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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Woman ‘gang rapped’ in front of family in Gujarat

Sardar Attiq Sadozai 
Thursday, 20-October-2011

Gujarat: Nephew of an ex member Punjab assembly and his friends, allegedly  gang raped a woman in front of her husband and children in Dhalian village, Dinga City of Gujarat District of the Punjab province.
Sources told TheNewsTribe that Asma was sleeping at her home with her family members on October 11 when in the midnight Mian Jahangir with his friends Naveed Ilyas and Munazir Hussein barged into the house by scaling the wall.
They made them hostage on gun point and allegedly raped the woman for three hours. Later they fled away threatening the poor family dire consequences if they told anyone about the incident.
The villagers have strongly protested against the incident and demanded of the government to arrest the accused involved in the heinous crime.
Local police have arrested Naveed Ilyas and Munazir Hussain but the main accused Mian Jahangir stated to be still at large.
Local people said that the accused Mian Jahangir was hiding in the Member of Provincial assembly’s House.
Human rights organizations, civil society and villagers have demanded of the government to provide   justice to the poor family.
They demanded of the Punjab Chief Minister Shehbaz Sharif to take action against this gruesome incident of gang rape.
Source: The News Tribe

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