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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Inestigation report............ Another unbaned Armed group Sipah e Mukhtar. Rawalpindi Riots Solved.

real link of this news

Sipah E Mukhtar News@SMP_14716h
Sipah-e-Mukhtar Alert:-Khairpur: Perokaran e Mukhtar Ne SSP K 4 ***** Kutton Ko Firing Kr K Shadeed Zakhmi Krdia.#InteQaam

Group isnt banned or anything infact is allowed to openly carry weapons and "protect" jaloos.

Lakhani owned ET also had a Slide show on them a few days back,

Website has more info:

Shows its an armed wing of TNFJ


Pictures are from Mukhtar force units in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.
(Doesnt see that active else where in the country)

Note similarities in name badges from yesterday Rawalpindi Lynching incident:

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